Joshua’s career began as an undergraduate in psychology at Ohio State University. As an undergraduate, he served several roles including providing intervention services for young children with disabilities, a research assistant in psychopharmacology, and was a trainee in behavioral pediatrics. Joshua then entered graduate school, earning his master’s degree and PhD in special education and applied behavior analysis from Ohio State University. During graduate school, Joshua coordinated a reading clinic for children and adults and coordinated behavioral intervention services for children in Columbus City Schools. After graduate school, Joshua served in several leadership roles including assistant professor and director of research at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, and executive director of the Walden Learning Collective and the Behavioral Education Research Initiative. Joshua enjoys conducting translational research and has publications pertaining to the resurgence of operant behavior. Recently, Joshua published and presented on issues pertaining to healthcare workers’ freedom in ABA. Additionally, he has extensive experience as an educational and behavioral consultant for children and adults with disabilities. Joshua joined Berth Behavior Consultation in June 2023 to develop and supervise a training curriculum for providers who are interested in pursuing integrative care behavioral services for adults with disabilities.