Diane has over 35 years of experience with individuals with various types of developmental disabilities including autism. In 2015, she completed her master’s degree in Clinical Psychology (MA) at the University of North Carolina Wilmington with a focus on Applied Behavior Analysis. Her studies culminated with an internship at the J. Iverson Riddle Developmental Center in Morganton, NC, licensure as a Psychological Associate (LPA), certification as a Behavior Analyst (BCBA), and the establishment of Berth Behavior Consultation, PLLC. She now provides community-based Behavior Consultative Services for adults with IDD who are at risk for placement in a more restrictive environment due to severe problem behavior or lack of adaptive life skills. Diane has partnered with Trillium Health Resources to provide Specialized Consultative Services for adults in community-based and home settings in the Wilmington area and is intentional about connecting with other providers in the community. Previous professions include bookkeeping, auditing, and management for a period of 10 years, then a career as a radiation therapist for 15 years. Diane brings a variety of skills, interests, and past experiences forward into all aspects of her practice and in advocating for others to access and receive the supports they need.